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Statutory regulations for educational institutions - HANDBOOK 2024 (with commentary)
- 1. Education law
- 2. Children’s rights protection, social support and youth affairs
- 3. Labour Law
- 4. Labour protection, fire safety and civil protection
- 5. Record-keeping and archives
- 6. Personal data protection
- 7. Public procurement and prevention of squandering of state property
- 8. Accounting, annual reports and taxes
- 9. Support from European Union funds and other projects
- 10. Personal responsibility and conflict of interest
Topical changes and modifications in statutory regulations
- January, 2025
- (Latvian) PIELIKUMS: “Arhīva pārvaldības ekspertu komisijas reglaments”
- (Latvian) (+ Rīkojums par ekspertu komisijas izveidi darbam ar dokumentu un arhīva pārvaldības materiāliem)
- (Latvian) PIELIKUMS: “Amata apraksts – Datorsistēmu tehniķis 3513 01″
- (Latvian) PIELIKUMS: “Amata apraksts – Elektriķis 7411 01″
- (Latvian) PIELIKUMS: “Amata apraksts – Sētnieks 9613 01″
- December, 2024
- November, 2024
- (Latvian) PIELIKUMS: SKOLĒNU MĀCĪBU SNIEGUMA VĒRTĒŠANAS KĀRTĪBA (piemērs iekšējiem noteikumiem vispārizglītojošām izglītības iestādēm, ko sagatavojis Valsts izglītības satura centrs, ESF projekts Nr. “Kompetenču pieeja mācību saturā”)
- October, 2024
- September, 2024
- August, 2024
- July, 2024
- June, 2024
- May, 2024
- April, 2024
- March, 2024
- February, 2024
- January, 2024
Basic documents
- - BY-LAWS – approved by the Ministry of Education and Science:
- - 1) By-law of a general educational institution
- - 2) By-law of a pre-school educational institution
- - 3) By-law of a vocational secondary educational institution
- - 4) By-law of a professional orientation educational institution
- - 5) By-law of a interest-related educational institution
- - 6) By-law of a vocational further educational and vocational in-service training educational institution
- - 7) By-law of an adult non-formal educational institution
- - Inside alerts lifting procedure
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums par atbildīgās personas noteikšanu trauksmes celšanas jautājumos
- (Latvian) – Informācija, ko ievieto iestādes tīmekļvietnē par trauksmes celšanu
- (Latvian) – Informācija, ko nosūta Valsts kancelejai par kontaktpersonu trauksmes celšanas jautājumos un trauksmes cēlēja ziņojumu iesniegšanas e-pasta adresi
- - Substitution procedures in case of an absence of a head master or employees of an educational institution
- (Latvian) – Skaidrojums par aizvietošanu un papildus darbu izglītības iestādē (juridiskie aspekti)
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums par aizvietošanu
- - Regulations of an establishment (schools)
- (Latvian) – Grozījumi iekšējās kārtības noteikumos par izglītojamo ārsta zīmēm/ mācību kavējumi
- - Procedure how parents of an educatee and other persons temporary stay in an educational institution
- - Procedure in which is used education institutions symbolism
- - Internal rules of sports halls
- - Library rules of procedure
- (Latvian) – Vienošanās par bibliotekāro un informācijas pakalpojumu sniegšanu starp pašvaldības izglītības iestādi un bibliotēku
- (Latvian) – Vienošanās paraugs par sadarbību starp divām valsts/ pašvaldības izglītības iestādēm savas kompetences ietvaros noteikto uzdevumu efektīvākai izpildei
- - Regulations of an establishment (pre-schools)
- - Internal labour regulations for schools
- - Amendments to Internal Labour regulations for schools
- - Internal labour regulations for pre-schools
- - Regulations regarding the provision of catering services in an educational institution
- - Interests and conflict risk prevention arrangement in educational institution
- - “APPLICATION form for the existence/absence of ancillary employment or other legal relations; the existence/absence of conflict of interest circumstances in a state or municipal educational institution”
- - APPLICATION for the presence/absence of co-employment with another employer
- (Latvian) – PIELIKUMS: Iesniegums par cita amata veikšanas saskaņošanu (pašnodarbināts saskaņā ar likumu “Par interešu konflikta novēršanu valsts amatpersonu darbībā”)
- (Latvian) – LĒMUMS “Par atļauju darbiniekam savienot valsts amatpersonas darbu izglītības iestādē ar citu amatu” (rakstveida atļauja saskaņā ar likumu “Par interešu konflikta novēršanu valsts amatpersonu darbībā”
- - Order: Defining Public Official status of employees of educational institution
- - Order regarding the delegation of an assignment to another party in case of a conflict of interest
- - Explanation regarding the general concepts of conflict of interest and the responsibility
- - Code of ethics
- - A sample of modifications/additions to the internal regulatory enactments of an educational institution
- - Order about issued order cancellation
- - Procedure for Admission of Children in a PRIVATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION (Section 26, Paragraph 3 of the General Education Law)
- - Contract for private pre- school education provision of services
- - Order “For enrollment of a student in private pre-school educational institution”
- - SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE EDUCATION AGREEMENT IN PRIVATE PRESCHOOL No. ____ / on changes in tuition fees and meals in the agreement on services to be provided to the child in the educational institution /
Skolutiesī iekšējo dokumentu katalogs un abonentu uzdotie jautājumi
- List of internal documents (the basis of extradition, storage duration, availability status) /pdf file/
- List of internal documents (the basis of extradition, storage duration, availability status) /word. doc file/
- List of the most asked questions on site (2024 – 2014)
Educatee protection and support documents
- - Submission and revising order for Children`s complaints
- - Regulation about swimming training arrangements and safety
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 1 “Drošība telpās, kurās ir iekārtas un vielas, kas var apdraudēt izglītojamo drošību un veselību”
- - Instructions regarding fire safety and electric safety (2)
- - Provision of first aid
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 4 “Par drošību mācību laikā un to starplaikos”
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 5 “Par drošību izglītības iestādes organizētajos vai atbalstītajos pasākumos”
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 6 “Par drošību attālināto mācību laikā”
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 7 “Par rīcību situācijās, kuras iepriekš nevar paredzēt (piemēram, ja izcēlies ugunsgrēks, telpās jūtama gāzes smaka, plūdi, izteikti spridzināšanas draudi)”
- - Road traffic safety regulations (8)
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 9 “Drošība uz ūdens un ledus”
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 10 “Noteikumi par personas higiēnu un mācību darba higiēnu”
- (Latvian) – Pielikums Nr. 11 “Noteikumi par drošību, veicot praktisko un laboratorijas darbus”
- - Regarding the safety during excursions, hikes and walks (12)
- - Regarding the safety during sports (13)
- - Application of the Responsible Teacher to the Head of Educational Institution for Organizing an Event
- - Application of the Responsible Teacher to the Head of Educational Institution for Organizing an Event Outside the Educational Institution
- - Application from parents about the persons which can take out educatee from pre-school educational institution
- - Application for the child’s legal representative’s power of attorney
- - Order for educatee protection in Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival
- - Act “Determination of an accident in an educational institution involving an educatee”
- - Annex for Violence prevention measures
- - ORDER “On the responsibilities of support staff and support measures for learners who endanger the safety, health or life of themselves or others”
- - ORDER “On the Implementation of an Individual Educational Programme for a Student in a Different Room or at a Different Time in the Presence of an Educational Institution’s Teacher or through Remote Learning” (Item 13.1 of the Cabinet Regulation on Safety No. 474)
- - Contract for assistant services (for children with special needs)
- - Regulations of Health point in educational institution
- - Foundation documents to the Register of Enterprises (Non-Profit Organisation):
- 1-application form;
- 2-decision;
- 3-statute;
- 4-consent of board member.
Educational process documents
- - Pedagogues’ professional activities quality evaluation/ issued in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers of 22 August 2017 ., Regulation No. 501 “ Pedagogues’ professional activities quality evaluation organization procedure” paragrapf 12/
- - Pedagogues’ professional activities quality evaluation COMMISSION REGULATION/ issued in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers of 22 August 2017 ., Regulation No. 501 “ Pedagogues’ professional activities quality evaluation organization procedure” paragrapf 13/
- - Order on the award of a quality grade and the fixing of a premium
- (Latvian) – Attālināto mācību organizēšanas kārtība (saskaņā ar 2022. gada 8. februāra Ministru kabineta noteikumiem Nr. 111 “Attālināto mācību organizēšanas un īstenošanas kārtība”
- - Regulations of an educational institution council
- - The decision of the Council of the Educational Institution “On Individual Learning Supplies Provided by the Parents of the Learners”
- - Regulations of a teachers council
- - Regulations of a methodical council
- - Regulations of subject related methodical commissions
- - Regulation of classes educator methodical commission
- - Regulations of a student council
- - Procedures regarding the schedule of classes
- - Order “about the replacement of hours for the teacher”
- - Regulations for use of E-class (e-journal)
- - Order about transition to electronic learners persons case development
- - Order about transition to electronic document form
- - Procedures according to which the absence of educatees in an educational institution is registered
- (Latvian) – Kārtība, kādā tiek veikta informācijas apmaiņa ar vecāku, pilngadīgo izglītojamo vai atbildīgo amatpersonu
- - Procedure for organizing a project week
- - Procedures how to do research work for educatees
- - Implementation procedures of an educational practice
- - Agreement on the implementation of an educational practice
- - Regulation for introducing students to the educational institution in first grade
- - Agreement regarding implementation of interest-related educational programme
- - An author’s contract regarding interest-related education
- - Submission Regarding the Disputing of an Administrative Act
- - Sample letter “Response letter from an educational institution regarding a request for parental information for legal proceedings that is disproportionately broad and not in the best interests of the child”
- (Latvian) – Līgums par audzēkņa izglītošanu
- - Application form for the enrolment of a student in grade ’7′
- (Latvian) – Iesniegums par eksāmena izvēli 9.klases izglītojamajam (Saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 2022. gada 5. jūlija noteikumu Nr.398 “Noteikumi par centralizēto eksāmenu saturu un norises kārtību” 31.1. apakšpunktu)
- (Latvian) – Iesniegums par atbalsta pasākumu noteikšanu izglītojamajam (Saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 2022. gada 5. jūlija noteikumu Nr.398 “Noteikumi par centralizēto eksāmenu saturu un norises kārtību” 25. punktu)
- - Regulations of dormitory of Boarding school
- - Procedures according to which act in case of infectious diseases of a child
- - Rules about extended days groups proceedings
- - Order “On cash donations to an educational institution”
- - Order regarding the prohibition for the employees to accept or request from educatees any kind of compensation in relation to provision of educational services
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums “Par iekšējās pārbaudes ierosināšanu un turpmāko darbību veikšanu saistībā ar darbinieku un izglītojamo konfliktsituāciju”
- - Procedure for Assessing Students’ Learning Outcomes (example of internal regulations for general education institutions, developed by the State Centre for Educational Content, ESF project No. “Competence-based approach in the curriculum”)
Rīkojumi izglītības procesa īstenošanai
- Order “Time of process for project / research work”
- Order “Additional holidays for educatees of grade 1”
- Order “Document content and drawing up requirements for methodology commissions of subjects of study programme”
- Order “About amendments in educational programmes”
- Order „Instruction classes for employees in fire safety”
- Order “Timetable of subjects of study programmes”
- Order “Approval of subjects of study programme”
- Order “About education groups list of interests determination ”
- Order “Approval of educational materials list / amendment approval of educational materials list”
- Order “About leaving educatee for another year in grade 8”
- Order “For issuing a certificate of basic education and a report card”
- Order “For issuing a diploma of general secondary education and a report card”
- Order “For issuing a duplicate of certificate / diploma”
- Order “Approval of schedule of State tests”
- Order “Schedule of exams and State tests for educatees, which have not attended exams and State tests in the first time”
- Order “About moving educatee up into the next grade”
- Order “About moving educatee up into the next grade” (for students with mental development disorders)
- Order “About moving educatee up into the next grade” (repeated staying in the same grade for another year)
- Order “Approval of educatee`s subject grade of a year” (in case when there is a dispute about the grade)
- Order “About forming an appeal commission”
- - Order “On Exemption of Learners from State Examinations”
- Order “About releasing educatee from State examinations for acquiring basic educational programme” (for students with mental development disorders)
- (Latvian) Rīkojums “Par izglītojamā atbrīvošanu no valsts pārbaudījumiem” (redzes vai dzirdes traucējumu gadījumā)
- Order “Schedule of centralised examinations”
- Order “About other form of learning organisation and its duration”
- Order „Structure of representatives of Council of an educational institution”
- Order „Structure of jury of an olympiad”
- Order „Schedule of additional consultations for educatees”
- Order „Schedule for second time examinations”
- Order „Extra needed training measures for an educatee”
- Order of creating an comission to estimate educatees learning achievements
- Order „Support measures for an educatee” (educatee just returned from studies in another country but basic education earlier studied in Latvia)
- Order „Support measures for an educatee” (educatee basic education studied in another country)
- Order „Accounting of educatees who use service of boarding school dormitory”
- Order about public transport ticket pay for educatee
- Order „About tests to be taken in the first semester (in case the educatee studies in two grades during one school year)”
- Order „On transfer of the educatee to the next class and tests to be taken in the second semester (in case the educatee studies in two grades during one school year)”
- Order „Acquiring studies content in a family”
- „Procedures for educating a student suffering from a long-term illness”
- (Latvian) Rīkojums “Par atbildīgā pedagoga noteikšanu izglītojamo speciālo vajadzību izvērtēšanai”
- Order „Teacher which is responsible for student instruction in safety briefing”
- Order about sports days organization
- Order “Determining the Number of Responsible Teachers Required to Participate in Events Organized or Supported by an Educational Institution”
- Order “Ensuring the presence of a responsible person to provide first aid during the implementation of an educational program / sports competitions”
- Order “On the number of employees trained in first aid and their referral for training”
- Order about responsible officer determination, purchase of medicine, storage, utilization, inventory and destruction to provide the order
- Order on determining the responsible educator in pre-school groups
- Order „Sequence (Space Cleaning) plan”
- Order for enrolment of an educatee in grade 1 in basic education programme
- Order of enrolment of an educatee in grade 10 in secondary education programme
- Order of enrolment of an educatee in grade 8 in special education programme
- On the Establishment of an Admissions Committee for the General Basic Education Program in Grades 7-9
- On the Establishment of an Admissions Committee for the General Secondary Education Program in Grade 10
- Student discharge order: „Student has been enrolled in another educational institution”
- Student discharge order: „Student has not been moved up into the next grade”
- Student discharge order: „Student has leaved the country”
- Student discharge order „Student repeatedly neglects his/ her obligations”
- Student discharge order „From students free will”
- Inside Order “student received certificate for general basic education”
- Student discharge order “Student parents filed application for deduction from a pre-school educational institution”
- Student discharge order “The student has mastered pre-school education program”
- Deduction order “Learner has acquired a general pre-school education program”
- A certificate that confirms that the learner has acquired a pre-school education program
- Order “For enrollment of a student in pre-school educational institution of local government”
- Order “For enrollment of a student in private pre-school educational institution”
- Order “For enrollment of a student in special pre-school educational institution”
- Order “About group assembling in pre- school education institution”
- Order: Day regime for pupils (in pre-schools)
- Order: Sequence (Space Cleaning) plan(pre-school)
- Approval of list of study literature (pre-school)
- Order: Approval of work plan (pre-school)
- Order: Study lesson schedule in pre-school
- Order: About forming an comission of vocational qualification exam
- Order: About educatees who has the right to pass a vocational qualification exam
- Order: About forming an scholarship council
- Order: About granting and paying out a scholarship
- Order for defining the head of the in-service training
- Order “Timetable of subjects of study programmes” (vocational educational institution)
- Order: “Approval of a work plan” (vocational education institution)
- Order About the length of an academical hour (vocational education institution)
- Order for enrolment of an educatee in vocational secondary education programme
- (Latvian) Par izglītojamā uzņemšanu mācību uzsākšanai profesionālās izglītības programmas vēlākos posmos izglītības turpināšanai (SASKAŅĀ ar jaunajiem MK noteikumiem Nr.70)
- (Latvian) Rīkojums “Par profesionālās izglītības apliecinoša dokumenta izsniegšanu (apliecība par profesionālo pamatizglītību) VAI (atestāts par arodizglītību) VAI (diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību)”
- Order: “On Issuance of Professional Qualification Certificate OR Issuance of Certificate of Completion of Part of Professional Qualification”
- Order: For issuing a certificate regarding the acquisition of a vocational oriented education”
- Order: “For issuing a duplicate of a certificate regarding the acquisition of a vocational education”
- Order: “Creating a convention of a vocational educational institution”
Personnel and labour law documents
- - Employment contract with a teacher
- - Teacher’s recruitment order for an indefinite period
- - Employment contract with a teacher for a definite period
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums par mēneša darba algas palielināšanu
- - Order “On the Evaluation of a Person and Permission to Perform Duties in an Educational Institution” (by Section 72, Paragraph 6 of the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child)
- - Employment contract with support personnel
- - Order about assistant acceptance at work on undetermined time
- - Fixed-term employment contract with a technical / support worker
- - Order regarding a temporary employment of an employee
- - Increased educator month salaries rates detection order (required document in education institution under with Country controls instructions)
- - Order Attachment – State Audit Office conclusion
- - ANNEX to the Procedure – Methodological Material The Issue of Remuneration in the Legal Framework of Pedagogues ‘Work’
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums “Par paaugstinātas mēneša darba algas likmes noteikšanu pedagogam”
- - Employee person case description of the creation and content elements (NOMENCLATURES SAMPLE, see Chapter 3, The Latvian National Archives material of 2019)
- - NOMENCLATURES SAMPLE (The Latvian National Archives)
- - Amendments to Contract of Employment as a result of reorganization
- - Amendments to the main and ancillary employment contract because of the REORGANISATION [2] (RENEWAL OF TWO EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS TO THE NEWLY ESTABLISHED INSTITUTION)
- - Amendments of work contract to Contract of Employment as a result of reorganization(contract recovery to another educationl institution – commitment successor)
- - List of profession descriptions
- - PROFESSION DESCRIPTIONS (90) for management employees, teachers and support personnel
- (Latvian) – Direktora vietnieks saimniecības jomā (kods: 1345 09) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Lietvedis (kods: 3341 04) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Dežurants (kods: 9629 05) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Apkopējs (kods: 9112 01) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Sētnieks (kods: 9613 01) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Apdares darbu strādnieks (kods: 7123 02) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Skolotāja palīgs PII (kods: 5312 01) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Aukle PII (kods: 5311 01) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Datorsistēmu tehniķis (kods: 3513 01) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- (Latvian) – Elektriķis (kods: 7411 01) amata apraksts sask. ar MK 262
- - Order On the Approval of the Job Description
- - Order about work obligation clarification for employee work contract (Labour law article 56 (1))
- - Things transfer / acceptance record starting/ ending employment relations
- - Suspension from work (requested by an authorised State institution)
- - Suspension from work (due to illegal action caused by employee itself)
- - Order On the Termination of the Employment Contract with a Teacher (Inadequacy of State Language Proficiency)
- - Initiating order of disciplinary matter against employee
- - Request for explanation in writing from employee in case of disciplinary matter
- - Employee refuses to give an explanation in case of disciplinary matter
- - Comissions statement of disciplinary matter
- - Disciplinary punishment – reprimand – order sample
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums par disciplinārlietas izbeigšanu (bez lēmuma pieņemšanas par piezīmes vai rājiena izteikšanu) GADĪJUMOS, KAD DISCIPLINĀRLIETAS IZSKATĪŠANAS GAITĀ NOLEMJ NEPIEMĒROT SODU
- - Recruitment procedure in educational institution
- - Regulation how employees are granted premiums for in addition work
- - Order regarding additional duties
- - Regarding additional duties (agreement accompanying the labour contract)
- - Arrangement for additional work accomplish v.2
- - Order On the Termination of the Additional Employment Contract
- - Overtime Work: Additional Agreement to the Employment Contract (Section 136 Labour Law)
- - Material incentive procedures in an educational institution
- - Material incentive commission regulations
- - Order about bonus allocation
- - Notification regarding the updating of employment contract form
- - Expression of pedagogue employment contracts in a new wording (amendments to the employment contract), a sample of agreement
- - Notice on formalize the employment relationships in writing
- - Agreement on financial responsibility
- - Order “On the appointment of material responsible persons”
- - Agreement about employee’s material damage indemnity to the employer
- - Collective agreement
- - Order “On the Organization of Work During Employee Strikes”
- - Volunteer employment contract
- - Notice of Imminent Termination of Employment Relations (if an employment contract for a specific period)
- - Order on Termination of Employment Relations in Case of Termination of a Fixed-Term Employment Contract
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION in relation to modifications within the employment contract (Labour Law Article 98)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION – an employee has committed a serious breach of the employment contract regulations or the established working regulations (Labour Law Article 101-1-1)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION due to wrongful act committed by an employee (Labour Law Article 101-1-2)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION the employee, when performing work, has acted contrary to moral principles and such action is incompatible with the continuation of employment legal relationships (Labour Law Article 101-1-3)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION the employee, when performing work, is under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or toxic substances (Labour Law Article 101-1-4)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION the employee has grossly violated labour protection regulations and has jeopardised the safety and health of other persons (Labour Law Article 101-1-5)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION due to insufficient professional training of an employee to ensure the realization of the agreed duties (Labour Law Article 101-1-6)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION – the employee is unable to perform the contracted work due to his or her state of health and such state is certified with a doctor’s opinion (Labour Law Article 101-1-7)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION an employee who previously performed the relevant work has been reinstated at work (Labour Law Article 101-1-8)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION due to staff reduction – REORGANISATION (Labour Law Article 101-1-9)
- - * Order for internal reorganization on changes in the positions of the educational institution and reduction of the number of employees
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION the employer – legal person or partnership – is being liquidated (Labour Law Article 101-1-10)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION due to long-term incapacity (Labour Law Article 101-1-11)
- - NOTICE OF TERMINATION during the probation period (Labour Law Article 47)
- - Order about work justice relationship termination with employee (1) on the basis of Labour law article 115(5) (employee has no statutory education)
- - Order about work justice relationship termination with employee (1) on the basis of Labour law article 115(5) (violation of children’s rights)
- - Act “Employee refuses to sign the notice of termination”
- - An act regarding the ascertained breach committed by an employee
- - A written request for an employee to provide an explanation regarding the ascertained breach of regulations
- - An act regarding the refusal of an employee to provide an explanation for the breach of regulations
- - Mutual agreement on termination of an employment contract (Labour Law Article 114)
- - Order “Termination of legal employment relations and payment of amounts due”
- - Employee’s Notice of Termination of Employment Contract During the Probationary Period by Own Wish (Article 47 of the Labor Law)
- - Employee’s Notice of Termination of Employment Contract After the Probationary Period (Section 100 (1) Labour Law)
- - Employee’s Notice of Termination of Employment Contract for a Valid Reason (Section 100 (5) Labour Law)
- - Order “Termination of Employment Legal Relationships upon the request of an employee”
- - Order prolong the notice period of the employee due to transient incapacity of work( Labour law article 100)
- - Order about idle time determination (1) employee not doing work in idle period and receiving remuneration for that time
- - Order about idle time determination (2) employee posting at work contract unexpected work to do no more than two months in one year
- - Additional agreement on modifications within the employment contract
- - Additional arrangement about work contract amendments setting employee summed up work time
- - Additional arrangement about work relationship continuation doing positions changes
- - Additional Agreement on Continuation of Employment Relationships by Changing Working Hours during the Summer Period
- - Supplementary to the employment agreement on continuation of employment relations with the same employer, but in another structural unit – in an educational institution ABC as a primary education teacher, making changes in the employment agreement
- - Additional agreement within the employment contract regarding the interpretation of the employee’s job position in a new edition
- - Letter to an Employee Regarding Changes in Workload (Taking into Account the Conclusion of a An Occupational Health and Occupational Disease Physician)
- - Additional agreement on the prolongation of term (for a certain time in addition to the employment contract)
- - Application for Permission to Work Part-Time in Another Organization
- - Employer`s permisson for a employee to do a supplementary work
- - Additional agreement for employment contract recognition to lost power
- - Supplementary agreement about non-disclosure of a trade secret (trade secret clause in an employment contract with a private educational institution)
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums par darbinieka nosūtīšanu uz apmācībām, kas nepieciešamas profesionālo pienākumu veikšanai (Darba likuma 96. panta 1. daļa)
- - Agreement on covering expenses for training courses for an employee
- - Order about profession changes
- - Order regarding an official journey
- - Order: Granting the annual leave
- - Order “Extend of annual paid leave”
- - Agreement about vacation part transfer
- - Order regarding a leave for child care
- - Order for Father Childbirth Leave (Section 155 of Labour Law)
- - Order about the return of the employee at work after parental leave
- - Order regarding a leave without retention of work remuneration
- - Order about vacation payout time
- - Application about vacation payout time
- - Order about grant teaching vacation
- - Application regarding granting of leave (support personnel)
- - Application regarding granting of additional leave
- - Application about grant teaching vacation (Labour law article 157)
- - Order about granting a rest day to an employee [Section 74 DL "(..) an employee donates blood or blood components to a medical institution]
- - Order for leave of absence and payment of wages [the employee does not work for a maximum of two working days due to the death of a spouse, parent, child or other close family member], Section 74 (1) of Labour Law)
- (Latvian) – Rīkojums sakarā ar darbinieka uzvārda maiņu
- - Leave schedule table
- - Working time table
- - Protocol sample form
- - Recommendation Letter Template
- - An Appellate Complaint
- - Settlement
- - Order on the restriction of the use of personal devices by employees
Employee labour protection documents
- - Internal orders
- - Labour protection measures plan
- - Evaluation of the working environment risks
- - Introductory instruction and individual instructions of employees
- - Mandatory health examinations of employees
- - Work equipment
- - Personal protective equipment
- - Chemical substances
- - Laboratory investigations
- - Accidents at work
Record-keeping and archive documents
- - Document and Archive management procedure
- - Procedure regarding the circulation of electronic documents
- - E – mail form about receipt of electronic documents signed with a secure electronic signature
- - INFORMATION DELIVERY PROCEDURE in education institution where fixed regulation about limited information records
- - Procedure regarding the reception and review of applications, complaints and propositions in an educational institution
- - Sample form of an administrative act
- - Order about expert commissions creation for work with the archive materials
- - Rules of procedure regarding the activities of an archive expert commission
- - Order regarding the certification of document derivatives
- - ANNEX TO NOMENCLATURES SAMPLE (Classification Scheme) – Case Creation
- - List of documents file register (pdf file)
- - Exemplary file register (professional ed. institutions)
- - Personnel documents (archive list)
- - Procedure regarding the establishment and maintenance of an internet website, and updating of information contained within it
- - Order about institution stamp cancellation and its legal force losing
Personal data protection documents
- - Educatee persons data processing and protection arrangement (pursuant to the Data Regulation from 25 May 2018)
- - Employee data processing and protection order in education institution
- - Legal representative consent of child’s personal data processing for filming and taking pictures of child
- - Order about responsible persons detection for processing of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation)
- - Order about responsible persons duties and responsibility(General Data Protection Regulation)
- - EMPLOYEE CERTIFICATE of compliance with the requirements for the processing of personal data
- - Information for data subject about video surveillance (signs sample and addition information for data subject)
- - Information for the data subject to be provided when personal data are obtained from the data subject [in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679]
- - Information for the data subject [TEMPLATE 2] in accordance with the requirements of Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 — (IN CONNECTION WITH ADMISSION TO A PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION)
- - Information for the data subject to be provided if personal data are not obtained from the data subject [in accordance with the requirements of Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679]
- - ANSWER LETTER according to the data subject’s request for his data what are processed in education institution [rights of the data subject under Article 15]
- - Internal rules for the protection of personal data processing in video surveillance
- (Latvian) – VEIDLAPA, lai identificētu amatpersonu, tās pieprasījumu, darbības likumisko pamatu saistībā ar pieprasījumu personas datu saņemšanai/ datu subjekta aizturēšanai vai tml.
- (Latvian) – Audits par fizisko personu datu aizsardzības sistēmu izglītības iestādē (aizpildīts anketas paraugs)
- - Data Breach Detection and Management Report
- - IT Security Documentation Templates (Publicly Available Information from CERT.LV)
- - System Security Policy for Basic Security System
- - System Security Policy for Enhanced Security System
- - Internal System Security Rules for Enhanced Security Systems
- - System Usage Rules for Enhanced Security Systems
- - System Security Risk Management Plan for Enhanced Security Systems
- - System Recovery Plan for Enhanced Security Systems
- - Resource Classification and Risk Analysis
- - Requirements for Change Management
Commodity turnover and accounting documents
- - Debt collection procedure in an educational institution
- - Procedure regarding the procurement of supplies and services (“small procurements” up to EUR 10,000)
- - Order “For establishing of a procurement commission”
- - Regulation of premise rental commission of an educational institution
- - Calculation of the Provisional Rental Fee for the Preparation of a Rental Announcement for Auction
- - Order about heating seasons end
- - Letter of Intent for a European Union Project
- - Procedure regarding the management of premises and repair materials
- - Computer maintenance procedure
- - Procedure regarding the use of communication devices
- - Procedure regarding the use of motor transports
- - Way-bill form
- - Sample-form of a bill
- - Register of bills of lading
- - Notification of an emerging debt
- - WARNING of Non-Payment of Contractual Penalty
- - Notification (contractual obligations)
- (Latvian) – Vēstules paraugs, ko skola nosūta dibinātājam saistībā ar lūgumu par X saimnieciskas problēmas risinājumu
Business contracts and acts
- - Tablet computer lending for a student
- - Cooperation Agreement (School and Non-Profit Organization)
- - Training contract (Education institution implements adult courses)
- - Deed of finding a defect/deficiency following the concluded contract
- - Car (private) usage contract
- - Royalty agreement (remuneration to the author)
- - Contract of cession
- - Rental contract of living quarters accompanied by an acceptance certificate
- - Contract of guarantee
- - Contract of bailment
- - Settlement (mutual objections)
- - Exchange agreement
- - Transfer record regarding work
- - Promissory note (of a natural person)
- - Novation agreement
- - Delivery contract
- - Universal power of attorney
- - General power of attorney
- - Special power of attorney
- - Sales contract (of commodities)
- - Contract of renal of premises
- - Acceptance certificate of premises
- - Contract for work performance
- - Contract for work performance with a physical person
- - Contract for work performance (construction works)
- - Donation contract (inventory for school)
COVID 19 documents
- - Order of Termination of Employment (Employee Does Not Have a Valid Certificate After the Maximum Suspension Period)
- - Order of Restoration to Work (Received Certificate during Suspension)
- - Suspension Order (Employee Does Not Have a Certificate in Accordance with the Government’s Order on the State of Emergency COVID 19)
- - Order on the Implementation of the Educational Process in a Distance Format
- - Order on the Establishment of Home Quarantine for Students Who Do Not Have a COVID-19 Vaccination/Recovery Certificate and Who Have Been in Contact with an Infected Person
- - Internal Control System for the Implementation of Epidemic Safety Measures in a Preschool Institution
- - COVID 19 procedure following Regulation No. 360 “Procedure for organizing the educational process by limiting the spread of Covid-19 infection in an educational institution” (sample of initial regulation)
- - CERTIFICATE OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CHILD / on compliance with the restrictions set by Covid-19 and informing the educational institution / (sample of intial procedure)
- - COVID 19: Order for Preschools “On the Organization of Work in Preschool in the Conditions of an Emergency Situation” (sample of initial regulation)
- (Latvian) – Papildvienošanās pie darba līguma par attālinātā darba veikšanu
- (Latvian) – Vienošanās par tehnisko ierīču nodošanu izglītības procesa nodrošināšanai
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